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  • Understanding Your Chiron Wound and the Healing Process | Article |

    Understanding Your Chiron Wound and the Healing Process | Article |

    In the vast tapestry of our lives, there exists a thread that weaves through every experience, every emotion, and every relationship. This thread is our personal wound – a deep and transformative aspect of ourselves that has shaped us into who we are today. In this chapter, we embark on a journey of self-discovery as…

  • The Case for Overturning Citizens United

    The Case for Overturning Citizens United

    Understanding Citizens United and its Impact on Democracy In the world of American politics, few Supreme Court decisions have caused as much controversy as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. This landmark case, decided in 2010, fundamentally reshaped the landscape of campaign financing and had far-reaching implications for democracy in the United States. In this…

  • Connections Between Maat and Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle

    Connections Between Maat and Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle

    The ancient Egyptian concept of Maat, embodying truth, justice, and cosmic order, has intriguing parallels with the philosophical works of Plato and Aristotle. These connections illustrate how fundamental ideas about morality, justice, and the nature of the universe can transcend cultural boundaries and historical periods. Maat and Plato Plato, one of the most influential philosophers…

  • Unveiling Divinity: Rediscovering Our Direct Connection to the Creator

    Unveiling Divinity: Rediscovering Our Direct Connection to the Creator

    In modern society, we view religion and spirituality far different than our ancestors, particularly within the realm of  Christianity. This shift has seen an intellectualization and scientification of spiritual concepts, which has effectively distorted ancient truths and connections to the divine. This shift has complicated the once simple and inherent right of humans to connect…